"That's literally my worst nightmare."
Some firsthand experience: If you asked a crowd of people about their biggest fears, you’ll likely get a mixed bag of answers. If you tell a person that you knocked a chef’s knife off your kitchen counter and onto your bare foot, the response is almost always: Oh my god, that’s my worst nightmare.
The new Scandi-influenced goods shop OK Pantry, has a vintage, brown Western Electric “Sculptura TouchTone” telephone for its landline, and it charms me every time I see it. As this recent article in the NY Times notes, “landline phones are being embraced by nostalgic fans who say their non-scrollable and non-strollable nature is an antidote to screen fatigue and over-multitasking,” and I’m all for them‚ especially the ones that wirelessly connect to smartphones via Bluetooth. It’s like the analog gratification of a typewriter’s keystroke clicks, but with the efficiency of a laptop.
YES, those quaint and nostalgic, colorful posters you’ve been seeing throughout some of the city’s popular food spots such as Yellow Rose, Cafe Habana and Regina’s Grocery, were all done by the same [TWO] pairs of hands. I loved reading this.
A chef’s knife falling on my foot wasn’t really my worst nightmare, either—until it actually happened—and it’s screwing with my mental and emotional state more than I care to admit. Aside from the trauma, which has been surging up in the form of these quick and unpredictable “mini-strokes” of emotion, it’s been difficult to curb the relentless stream of sliding-door thinking: If I had only been at the coffee meeting that was originally scheduled for that morning…if I had gone to bed earlier the night before, my morning’s timing wouldn’t have been so off..a week ago my foot was still entirely intact. So. Instead of blocking out those thoughts, I’m working on releasing them with various guided meditations, including this one from Goop, which focuses on emotional spring cleaning for all—no injuries required.
Textile designer Hannah Whelan’s Wibbly Wobbly Wonder totes take their name from the fruity jelly-filled ice pops she enjoyed while growing up in Ireland, but the bags remind me more of the Memphis Group’s squiggly furniture designs. Those pieces have always been too outré for my own abode, but I wouldn’t mind having one of these colorful totes hanging from a doorknob or hook, let alone on my shoulder while running errands.
Clearly I just want to smile this week, and the subject of this story, a fashion-obsessed 14-year-old who’s joyfully sharing his love of luxury handbags on Instagram does that every time I check out his feed.